Dictators and Paper Bags

Furia is a Portuguese artist living and working in London. More known for his street art works that deal mainly with poverty, ideologies or other social issues, here he presents the viewer with a body of work commemorating the International Day of Democracy held on the 15th of September.

unnamedDictators and Paper Bags is a work that connects two seemingly opposing subjects.
Dictators are known, among other things, to try to create a personality cult as a way of affirming their power to the masses they rule over.
Paper Bags are an everyday commodity that gets disposed of once used.

By connecting the two, Furia tries to subtract the notion of power that gets attached to a portrait of a political figure. Dictators and Paper Bags is not about decorating or mass produce an image. It is about an idea. To reduce corruption, murder, persecution, lack of movement or choice and other civil rights violations to a simple thing that gets discarded after being used.