Saturday 18 February | BUY TICKETS | Doors 8pm – Music 8.30pm
Yo No Bi with KILT
Suzueri (prepared piano with her self-made equipments and toy-piano)
and Oshiro Makoto (exposed speaker cone and self-made sound
instruments) toured around North England as Yo No Bi Tour #2, an
annual tour introducing Japanese sound art that breaks a boundary
between installation and performance. This event concludes Yo No Bi
Tour #2 tour with special guests KILT, a trio of two synthesisers and
a trombone, and Ryoko Akama (self-made sound instruments).”
Makoto Oshiro
Makoto Oshiro is a Tokyo-based performer and artist. His primary
medium is sound, but he also combines other elements including light,
electricity and the movement of objects. In live performances,he uses
self-made tools and instruments based on electronic devices, everyday
materials, and junk. His installation work handles sound as a physical
and auditory phenomenon, and focuses on characteristics such as
vibration and interference. He released his first solo CD Phenomenal
World on Japanese label Hitorri. ”
Suzueri (Elico Suzuki) is a Tokyo-based sound artist and
improviser.She creates performance and installations with handmade
devices, instruments, prepared piano and voice, exploring methods of
performing them in the most roundabout ways.Past exhibitions includes
Emergencies (NTT ICC, 2008) and Web-based exhibition (Hiroshima
Prefectural Art Museum, 2008) and she released five albums, including
a quartet with Makoto Oshiro,Tetuzi Akiyama and Roger Turner [Live at
ftarri] (Ftarri Meenna 2015).”
Ryoko Akama
Akama is a sound artist/composer/performer, who approaches listening
space that magnify silence in terms of time and space. Her
performances employ small and fragile objects such as paper balloons
and glass bottles, creating tiny occurrences that embody almost
nothing’ aesthetics. She runs melange edition label and mumei
publishing. ”
KILT(Kordik/Ikeda/Lucas Trio)
KILT is Ken Ikeda (synthesiser), Edward Lucas (trombone) and Daniel
Kordik (synthesiser) a free improvising electroacoustic trio from
London exploring the territories filled by their bodies and slowly
evolving sound waves generated by a trombone and two synthesizers.