Deformation // Phas.e Platform Showcase – Wednesday 4 May 7.30pm – £5/3 + digital compilation

// Deformation;
——– the action or process of deforming or distorting,
——– the result of a distorting process

An event exploring the theme of Deformation through a series of performances by long-standing and newcomers from within the platform’s artistic roster.

Tickets at door: £3 or £5 + digital compilation

// Featuring;

Carlos Gárate [Live] ——–

Garek Jon Druss [Live AV] ——–

Istishhad Hheva x Miri Kat [Live AV] ——–

Jake Manley [Live] ——–

Lutfi Othman [Live Improvisation] ——–

+ more info tba.