Dream Economics is an experimental project led by a group of artists based in London, that investigates the interconnection between art and novel economic models that are broadly entitled “New Economics”, exploring how these can be applied to art practice.
The project explores emergent social and economical structures and how these new models are intimately connected with novel conceptions of the “self”, who sees itself as deeply interconnected with everyone and a living world.
If economics means in its etymological origin: “house keeping”, dreams can be seen as a tool to explore and deal with “inner house keeping”. The concept of “dreams” will be explored in this project in two ways: as a tool to gain knowledge of our inner world and intuitive intelligence and as a metaphor about the desires, hopes and fictions everyone fabricates about the future.
The theoretical framework of Dream economics is informed by consciousness studies and new economics theory.
DREAM ECONOMICS first exhibition will inaugurate the 7th of July of 2016 assembling work done by artists Ines Amado, Maria Lusitano and Rui Mourao. The artists have engaged in shared conversations exploring the links between the art system, new economics and dreams. The result of their practice will be on display in between the 7th of July and the 21st.
More information : DREAM ECONOMICS