Improvisers In Space – Tuesday 28 June – 9pm – Entry by donation

An evening of spatially inspired improvisations featuring free improvising musicians and contact improvising dancers.

The musicians are :
Sam Bailey – piano,
Tom Jackson – clarinets,
David Leahy – double bass,
Benedict Taylor – viola and
Daniel Thompson – guitar.

who will all be joined by a dancers’ collective from London Contemporary Dance School who will be exploring contact improvisation in performance, and in collaboration with the musicians.

The idea behind the evening is two-fold.
Firstly, by inviting both the musicians and the audience the chance to move around the space during a music performance, it is hoped that a new model for presenting improvised music will emerge, that celebrates the iimportant relationship bertween the improviser and his / her audience and the performance space.

The evening is also aimed to establish a regular monthly performance outlet for improvised dance and collaborative practice in London.

Entry by donation