Tommy Darker Music Talk 5th August

When a piece of song is written and produced, the underlying copyright generate revenue which can continue for three generations. Copyright is a valuable asset which songwriters and musicians create; but little do they know how they can benefit from it.PRS For Music is the only organisation in UK collecting this revenue and passing it to the rightful owner.This Darker Music Talks session will give you the insight of how this process works.

The speaker:

Jatanil is the Membership Development Manager at PRS for Music.He has been in the music business for the last 5 years working in the field of Music Copyright. In this short span of time he has traveled across the globe speaking at various music conferences. Being a composer himself, he has insight on both the side of the music business (creative and administrative). He has previously worked at First Name Music publishing for 1 year.Find more about Jatanil at